Fourth Celestial Alignment

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4CA Flag, designed by Trixie

Name: TBA Industry: TBA

Founder: TBA

The Fourth Celestial Alignment, informally referred to as the 'Federation,' is a multi-cultural, multi-racial governmental entity based in Proxima Centauri and extending across a sizable area of Known Space.

The 4CA is a commonwealth-coalition that has undergone three major revisions since its original inception as a trade union and scientific association between major spacefaring players at the time; the OCA (Original Celestial Alignment). The 2CA was formed for making allies in alien life after a series of successful contact missions, the 3CA coming together for the purpose of charting space of all members. The 4CA's goal as of current is creating a post-scarcity, almost utopian society for all participating members.


The Alignment is headed by an elected President, with requirements kept intentionally 'simple' to cast a wide net of candidates. The Secondary Cabinet (NAME TO BE MADE COOLER) underneath the President vote on major decisions such as foreign policy, resource distribution, economic decisions, and other major issues affecting all parties involved. The President holds five votes.


The 4CA is organized into different Ministries, which can be boiled down to broad concepts; the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Disaster, Ministry of Labor, Special Circumstances, and the Ministry of Transport are only a few. Rather than organizing the Federation with central formation as the inherent focus, the different Ministries being essentially smaller organizations in larger coats. For example, the Ministry of Research is a special interest group comprised of Mercurial roboticists, Marsian geneworkers, think tanks from the Ordoht, and several other subgroups.

The different Ministries of the 4CA are comprised of different groups of members from all over it's territories, all collecting into singular organizations to accomplish wider tasks and assemble as bodies in the Cabinet-- each sending out a single Commissioner as their representative. Nominally, each Ministry serves a mostly passive role in policymaking and coordination, but active response will typically form for issues that planetary or system governments cannot handle themselves. Due to their broad scopes and far reach, different Ministries trend towards varying levels of petty squabble as each attempts to be proud of how they coordinated a single incident-- often sidelining the others. This, or simply arguing about what falls under who, leading to a certain 4CA reputation of being skilled at solving large issues, but somewhat sluggish at resolving petty ones.

The Ministry of Health
In terms of 'background work,' the 4CA's Ministry of Health is predominantly concerned with public health; working to set intragalactic standards of health, providing technical assistance with social health measures, and evaluating situations. However, the organization is equally known for active assistance in aid and relief, even for other factions entirely. Before, during, and after emergencies, different members of the Ministry of Health are very easy to find.
The Ministry of Transport
Predominantly concerning everything to do with faster-than-light travel, the Ministry of Transport is nominally responsible for public transportation measures within 4CA space, aiming to create accessible networks of liner vessels for mass transport of people and non-FTL vessels.
While they're known to collaborate with the Ministry of Research in charting stars and ensuring signal clocks are fully synchronized, the Ministry of Transport runs into regular scuffles with the Ministry of Trade.
Special Circumstances
Intelligence is the name of SC's game. While surveillance of Celestians remains blessedly low within the Federation, the unblinking eye of Special Circumstances is always turned outwards. Signal intelligence and counterintelligence are their bread and butter, and a number of different instances of '4CA Meddling' have directly been the result of SC.
The Ministry of Disaster
Arguably one of the most highly-regarded among the Cabinet, the Ministry of Disaster are also one of the most well-connected with any group they consider useful, inside or out. Public safety, response to mass catastrophe, and training of various Celestians are some of the things under their purview-- all in the name of response, aid, and prevention of disasters and emergencies.
The Ministry of Peace
Concerning the security of every citizen of the 4CA, the Ministry of Peace is tasked with the administration of justice, and the public security of the interior of the Alignment; counter-terrorism, response to mass criminal incidents, customs, and a division for cyberspace as well. Legal prosecution and conflict resolution exists under their purview, but is typically only brought up if a case is too grand-scale for local governments.
The Ministry of Peace has seen friction with others-- with the Ministry of Disaster for who calls the shots in certain mass catastrophes, with the Ministry of Contact for who gets to handle immigration and intragalactic cases, and with the Ministry of Trade for specifics on certain dangerous imports.
The Ministry of Ecology
Concerning the management of Aligned planets and their natural resources, they are most-known for their works in terraforming. However, the Ministry of Ecology has also been tasked with assuring food safety and security, working to end hunger within Celestian space. Parks, zoos, and the reengineering of extinct fauna have been other historical projects of the Ministry, some of the first reintroduced dinosaurs coming from their facilities during the Third Celestial Alignment.
While they enjoy a relatively productive relationship in the restaurant industry with House Verikami of the Shattered Empire, they have been under extreme scrutiny and controversy from the Akulan Hegemony and other groups for classing carp-related organisms as invasive species, and for their work with the Ministries of Peace and Disaster for killing Space Dragons.
The Ministry of Trade
Concerning commerce and mercantile activity, the Ministry of Trade has some of the highest membership counts, commonly traders wishing for a more secure platform to operate from. Sharing the burden of customs with the Ministry of Peace, the main goal of the Ministry of Trade is to create jobs and ensure economic stability for everyone involved the Alignment. With the start of the Fourth Alignment, their focus has been shifting to being the backbone of the creation of a post-scarcity society-- so that all people can easily have their basic survival needs met, along with other requests for goods and services.
Even dating back to the 2CA, the Ministry of Trade has a somewhat shady reputation amongst more 'by the book' branches of the Cabinet, often performing summits with groups unvetted by the Ministry of Contact. Furthermore, they have leaped ahead to establish trade routes without the input of the Ministry of Transport, rumors abound of Libre being moved under various tables.


The 4CA's military forces are traditionally divided between three groups. The Void Corps, dealing with confrontations in space. The Atmosphere Corps, dealing with confrontations in the air and land. Lastly, the Liquid Corps, dealing with confrontations underwater, and recently pairing with the Ministry of Research to explore bluespace. Local defense forces are primarily called upon when national defense forces haven't been mobilized.


379: A Celestial Alignment occurs, a trade union and scientific association between the Ordoht, [the Greys,] and [the snails.]

1449: A number of races are folded into what would later be referred to as the First Celestial Alignment, occupying an area of influence a handful of ly in diameter. A rudimentary system of communication is devised by [the snails,] running on some of the most primitive interstellar bluespace networks.

1495: Earth is visited by a number of Celestian races, the first vessels landing in a wide variety of spots across the world; first in search of both liquid water for signs of life, and plasma for signs of wealth.

1501: A coordinated greeting is extended to the humans of Earth, a number of extraterrestrial delegates appearing through means of teleportation before a throng of different culture's leaders and figureheads.

1549: The humans of Earth are made fully aware of the presence of extraterrestrial lifeforms. World leaders are worked with in varying degrees of openness, rapidly becoming appraised of humanity not being anywhere near alone in the galaxy.

1700: The shape of Earth's future to come becomes more apparent. The visitors, in celebration of two centuries of contact, grant humans a powerful gift-- a system of large apertures placed in populated areas, set to display the Celestial Alignment's visual programming; all sorts of archival footage and recreational shows and even product commercials are available.

1731: Earth's nations have largely been divided into three. Ambivalence, optimism, and resistance.

1800: The Centennial celebrations in Telluria, Meridion, Sorrahn, Uluruva, and certain regions of Bharata are beset by further attacks by a banner group calling themselves the Long-Forgotten, chief among them Anne's Blackguard- renamed after the name of a deceased Crusader among their ranks.

1801: Delegates of the First Celestial Alignment assure the people of Terra that the isolated incidents triggered by an unwanted shock group are not representative of human society as a whole, and an adequate response will be formed as a partner project.

1803: The layfolk of Valdaura are visited by humanoid figures, cloaked in shrouds resembling 'the heat coming off some pavement,' each of them teaching locals in the use of weapons. Crates full of unusual devices are distributed to the most capable, skilled workers being led into roughly pill-shaped vehicles for 'further training.'

1808: A strike on a fission plant in Mbaliwa is thwarted by Blackguard leader Medina Beaumont being reportedly 'folded in half' by a 'shaft of light' coming from an Mbaliwese worker holding what appeared to be a roughly rectangular apparatus, signs pointing to Ordoht manufacture.

1812: Groups of the Long-Forgotten such as Anne's Blackguard begin to wane, withering under proactive use of alien weaponry among the Terrafolk to defend themselves.

1820: Peace comes to Terra, for the first time in awhile. With outright terror shriveling into small conservative bastions, a new line of dialogue is established between those from the land and those from the stars.

1823: A volunteer group of twenty former polar explorers from Kitchi Gami, Quinametzin, Makoche, Meridion, and Valdaura are assembled for a special diplomatic mission to the moons of Innethea III, homeworlds of [the snails.] Federation programming explodes with reactions to their first sightings of this newly unveiled race's spacefaring efforts-- fascinated by documentaries on human culture, giggling at seeing some of the women dressed in Grey-styled wear. Speakers describe Terran life in vivid and thrilling detail; their children, their food, their weapons and medicine, their books and their houses.

1829: Six years later, eleven of the group are returned to Terra; expressing a slight homesickness, but great enthusiasm for bringing their families back with them. The remaining nine appear on Federation programming explaining their thrillseeking natures getting the better of them, wishing to stay on the moons of Innethea and urging the First Celestial Alignment's leaders to bring the rest of mankind up with them.

1832: Spaceport construction begins all around the globe as infrequent voyages are arranged to the World Above. Some of the first humans to ever personally see new cosmic phenomena such as black holes, pulsars, and the inhabitants of the new Ordoht homeworlds collaborate on museum and documentary projects for those at home.

1840: Following the first few successful launches from the Guangzhou Elevator, mankind's first major spaceport, an explorative fever hits the children of Man like never before, accessible spaceflight soon possible within their lifetimes.

1854: The Age of Sail is considered to have begun with this year, with wide varieties of human-alien voyages across the stars being sent out.

1855: The first humans land on the Moon with intent to colonize; three settlers from urban Tawantinsuyu, five from the southmost continent of Te Huka Nui, and a further twenty from other corners of the world. Landing in the Sea of Tranquility, regular cargo transport was established to continue operations.

1856: A series of satellites are contructed around Terran orbit to begin the process of two-way linkage to the 1CA's internet.

1900: While humans continue to slowly creep out of the Sol system, a referendum is passed to officially begin a new age-- the Second Celestial Alignment, coindicing with a rough century of timeframe for other uplifting projects to 'reach maturity.'