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Lawful (talk | contribs)
Created page with "A grouping of 2-4 organic creatures that subsist off minerals and use protective rocky shells as camouflage/protection thumb|300px === What are golems? === Golems, informally known as Moonmen, are an alien species of extremophile invertebrates closely related to tardigrades and basilisks. Anatomically and physiologically, golems have several differences compared to humanoids like humans, tajarans, or ethereals. The most glaring feature of a..."
Lawful (talk | contribs)
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A grouping of 2-4 organic creatures that subsist off minerals and use protective rocky shells as camouflage/protection
A grouping of 2-4 organic creatures that subsist off minerals and use protective rocky shells as camouflage/protection

[[File:doppelgolem1.png|thumb|500px|<center><span style="font-size:100%"> Rendition of a golem family unit</span></center>]]

=== What are golems? ===
=== What are golems? ===
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In rare cases, these hermits will congregate into aggressive organized colonies. The most recent recording of this phenomena occurred on Mars, when an Akhter colonization project had unknowingly disturbed a colony of moonmen who had been living in the red planet’s subterranean.
In rare cases, these hermits will congregate into aggressive organized colonies. The most recent recording of this phenomena occurred on Mars, when an Akhter colonization project had unknowingly disturbed a colony of moonmen who had been living in the red planet’s subterranean.

=== Names ===
==== Names ====
* They’re separated into two categories: Family Unit and Individual.
* They’re separated into two categories: Family Unit and Individual.
* A biped golem comprised of multiple moonmen has a family name to refer to the group as one entity, which varies in where they live; If a golem lives in a human-majority planet, they’re more likely to adopt a human name for their family unit, which extends to other species like Skrell/Taj/Akulan/Akaari/etc
* A biped golem comprised of multiple moonmen has a family name to refer to the group as one entity, which varies in where they live; If a golem lives in a human-majority planet, they’re more likely to adopt a human name for their family unit, which extends to other species like Skrell/Taj/Akulan/Akaari/etc
* If a specific golem in the family unit needs to be addressed, then they’re called by their specific limb (left grasper, right walker) or their individual name. The latter is essentially using someone’s full legal name to talk to them.
* If a specific golem in the family unit needs to be addressed, then they’re called by their specific limb (left grasper, right walker) or their individual name. The latter is essentially using someone’s full legal name to talk to them.
* Individual golems, our freaky millipede fellows, are typically given a name by their parent(s) reflective of their shell’s primary material. Just like how there’s John and Mohammed are common names, a golem’s equivalent would be Iron and Chondrite
* Individual golems, our freaky millipede fellows, are typically given a name by their parent(s) reflective of their shell’s primary material. Just like how there’s John and Mohammed are common names, a golem’s equivalent would be Iron and Chondrite
==== Behavior ====
* Dependent on whether they’re a part of society or still wandering space-hermits
* In society, they’d behave as they normally would around meeting someone. They may speak in Terrum- their native language that uses small vibrations against their shells and subtle resonance transference (like the Greys)- but there’s no secret handshakes or code.
* Outside society, that’s wholly variable on both how the individual behaves and their circumstances.
* Territorial golems with limited resources (such as small asteroids or abandoned mining stations) may attempt to boot out potential competitors that would disrupt their hermetic lifestyle.
* If they’re living in abundance, like an uncharted mineral-rich planet, many golems are unbothered by the presence of others. They might form groups or live independently, and you might have multiple family units congregate to defend against predation and natural disasters.
==== Distinguishing features ====
* Easily done by looking at their shell. Even when they’re formed into a family unit, each golem’s shell is as unique as a human’s fingerprint in material/sculpting/damage.
* The easiest way to distinguish a golem is the material they use for their shell. It’s really hard to mistake a granite or copper shell with a slate or diorite shell.
* Much like how we use tattoos and scars as identifying features, chipped portions and engravings or etchings serve the same purpose.

Revision as of 03:23, 26 September 2024

A grouping of 2-4 organic creatures that subsist off minerals and use protective rocky shells as camouflage/protection

Rendition of a golem family unit

What are golems?

Golems, informally known as Moonmen, are an alien species of extremophile invertebrates closely related to tardigrades and basilisks. Anatomically and physiologically, golems have several differences compared to humanoids like humans, tajarans, or ethereals.

The most glaring feature of a golem is their several-inch thick outer shell. Using dense compounds from their surrounding environment, ranging from basalt to concrete, these aliens bind rocks to their body by secreting an adhesive substance that behaves like an organic cement. These shells serve a dual purpose: to protect the organic body, and as a camouflage against predators such as space carp.

Without their rock layer golems can be easily mistaken as giant millipedes; With an average length of seven feet, golems are defined by their cylindrical trunks and tapered heads. Hundreds of sticky cilia- paired in twos- line each flank of a golem’s cuticle coated body, their opaque exoskeleton typically grey in coloration. Relying on a mixture of antennae and ocelli for sight, they are one of the few sapient species that can see into the ultraviolet range.

Another unusual feature is their unique metabolism, which is almost wholly reliant on inorganic minerals and raw ores. Whereas other species can tolerate eating varied ingredients and foods, golems are incapable of processing organic substances for nutrients- making the species obligate lithotrophs.

Where do golems come from?

Golems can be found all across the galaxy, thriving in both livable and conventionally inhospitable conditions. The term ‘Moonmen’ originated from the Ordoht, who were the first to discover a generational colony of golems that had been living undetected on their homeworld’s moon for almost two centuries. Golems are currently, aside from silicon-based lifeforms, the only recorded species capable of indefinite exposure to the vacuum of space. Although the species lacks a large-scale society which could independently develop spacefaring tech, golems exploit their robust physiology to float through space until they impact a new asteroid or planetary body. Golems trapped in the gravity well of an uncolonized planet seldom have a way to leave, sometimes making them the sole inhabitant.

Golems in society

In the scope of the galactic stage golems are a polarized species, ranging from officials of the Federation’s ministries to independent spacers.

Those that choose to integrate into society undergo a miraculous process not dissimilar to a plasmaman’s fungal colony. By coupling with one to three other golems, the group creates a single humanoid-shaped body called a family unit. Family units typically have one member independently controlling a limb, interchangeably swapping roles as the hands or feet in a form of facultative bipedalism. Whereas plasmamen coalesce into hivemind colonies, golems in a family unit remain as independently thinking entities.

Golems in a family unit vary in appearance, with some maintaining a shell that's indistinguishable from a boulder with limbs, each member using a different rock to create a patchwork of colors and texture, while some wealthy family units commission a mason to sculpt their collective shell into the facsimile of the species they're attempting to integrate with.

Still, many live hermetic lifestyles as recluses, content with a simple life grazing on ores divorced from societal life. These golems typically retain their mono-bodied forms, only coupling with other golems to reproduce or to form a family unit in times of resource scarcity.

In rare cases, these hermits will congregate into aggressive organized colonies. The most recent recording of this phenomena occurred on Mars, when an Akhter colonization project had unknowingly disturbed a colony of moonmen who had been living in the red planet’s subterranean.


  • They’re separated into two categories: Family Unit and Individual.
  • A biped golem comprised of multiple moonmen has a family name to refer to the group as one entity, which varies in where they live; If a golem lives in a human-majority planet, they’re more likely to adopt a human name for their family unit, which extends to other species like Skrell/Taj/Akulan/Akaari/etc
  • If a specific golem in the family unit needs to be addressed, then they’re called by their specific limb (left grasper, right walker) or their individual name. The latter is essentially using someone’s full legal name to talk to them.
  • Individual golems, our freaky millipede fellows, are typically given a name by their parent(s) reflective of their shell’s primary material. Just like how there’s John and Mohammed are common names, a golem’s equivalent would be Iron and Chondrite


  • Dependent on whether they’re a part of society or still wandering space-hermits
  • In society, they’d behave as they normally would around meeting someone. They may speak in Terrum- their native language that uses small vibrations against their shells and subtle resonance transference (like the Greys)- but there’s no secret handshakes or code.
  • Outside society, that’s wholly variable on both how the individual behaves and their circumstances.
  • Territorial golems with limited resources (such as small asteroids or abandoned mining stations) may attempt to boot out potential competitors that would disrupt their hermetic lifestyle.
  • If they’re living in abundance, like an uncharted mineral-rich planet, many golems are unbothered by the presence of others. They might form groups or live independently, and you might have multiple family units congregate to defend against predation and natural disasters.

Distinguishing features

  • Easily done by looking at their shell. Even when they’re formed into a family unit, each golem’s shell is as unique as a human’s fingerprint in material/sculpting/damage.
  • The easiest way to distinguish a golem is the material they use for their shell. It’s really hard to mistake a granite or copper shell with a slate or diorite shell.
  • Much like how we use tattoos and scars as identifying features, chipped portions and engravings or etchings serve the same purpose.